Adopt A Rat



Domestic rats, also known as ‘Fancy Rats’.

About Fancy rats:

Rats are extremely intelligent, social animals who can make great pets! but its important to make sure you have the correct set ups and knowledge about these amazing animals before taking them into your care.


Rats should never be kept alone as they are very intelligent and social animals. A rat kept alone will become extremely lonely and even depressed. A pair of rats should have a minimum equivalence space of 3ft x 3ft x 2ft, this is 2 cubic feet space per rat.


Because of their high intelligence, rats need lot of ‘enrichment’ and thing to keep them busy throughout their day. Rats love to make and sleep in their homemade nests so materials for nests should be given (shredded paper, ripped up newspaper, tissue and fleeces). This also includes places for them to make their nests such as plastic hides, cardboard boxes, hammocks and baskets. Rats love to climb so their enclosure should include things like ropes, branches and tunnels. Like other rodents, rats teeth continually grow, so chew toys are a must to keep their teeth worn down and in good condition.


Substrate is important for hygiene within the rats enclosure. A substrate that is safe, easy to clean and with help reduce odours should be used. Recommended substrates include: Recycled paper pellets, Carefresh bedding, shredded paper. The substrate should be checked every day and all poo and wee should be removed daily.


The rats enclosure must be checked on daily! All food must be removed and fresh food and water should be given daily. All faecal matter and urine should be removed daily to maintain hygiene. It is beneficial to use litter trays with a different substrate than what is used for bedding. Rats do like to keep clean and tend to make certain corners their toilet, if a litter tray is placed in these corners they will use the litter tray, which should be emptied daily. The rats home should have a deep clean at least once a week. This includes, changing all substrate, wiping down surfaces cleaning out nests and if needed washing fabric hammocks and all fabric bedding.


Rats are omnivores which means they can eat a variety of fresh vegetables, fruit and meat. A domestic rats diet should consist of a portion of fresh, good quality rat pellets daily. Some fresh vegetables (uneaten veg should be removed daily) and occasionally dog/ cat treats.


Rats are extremely social animals and are also very intelligent so should never be kept alone.