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Cats for adoption
Dogs For Adoption
Small Animals For Adoption
What We Do
Pound Visits
Hand rearing
Cleft palate dogs and puppies
Doggy Hospice
Rescue Stories
Cat Neutering
Low Cost Cat Neutering
Sanctuary Animals
Sanctuary Dogs
Sanctuary Cats
The Big Give
Amazon Wishlist
Our lottery
About fostering
Foster cats and kittens
Foster Dogs
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Romanian Dog Advice
Caring for your guinea pig
Rabbit Care
Hamster Care
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animal sanctuary
PTS Rescue Request Procedure
Name of veterinary practice
Contact number
In the event of an owner requesting an animal be PTS and an attempt at finding a rescue space being required, there is a process that will be followed. Please note that as we have no functioning kennel space, we are unable to take dogs directly from members of the public ourselves. We do, however, work with several other reputable rescues and secure rescue spaces for circa 750 dogs per year. Therefore, we will seek a rescue space amongst those rescues. Private rehoming, to members of the public, WILL NOT be considered.
I agree
In offering this help, Rescue Me Animal Sanctuary work on the assumption that the veterinary practice has obtained the animal’s owner’s consent to share information. The information includes photos, details of the animal and the animal’s vet records. PLEASE NOTE THAT THE VET RECORDS WILL NOT BE MADE PUBLIC. The vet records will only be made available to rescues which offer to take the animal or request them in order to make a decision.
I agree
Acceptance of help in placing the animal with a reputable rescue, will be at our discretion. This will be arrived at after careful consideration of the situation, the animal’s health and behaviour and the realistic likelihood of a rescue making an offer to take the animal. It is, therefore, important that all information is disclosed at the beginning of the process, to enable us to arrive at an informed decision.
I agree
We agree to help on the understanding that, if a rescue offer is made, it will be accepted. The practice must agree not to pursue a private homing offer if a rescue offer is made. Private rehoming is not considered ideal as there is no rescue back up (RBU) in place.
I agree
A post will be publicly shared with a photo and as much information about the animal as possible (ie: age, gender, neuter/vaccine status and any medical/behavioural concerns) in order for rescues to assess if they can accommodate the animal. The post will be made to the personal account of Rescue Me Animal Sanctuary’s founder. It will not be posted on the Rescue’s page or account. Rescues and members of the public WILL be able to share the post.
I agree
The post will state that the animal is a PTS risk and the time frame will also be stated. The vets will NOT be named.
I agree
The vets will be asked to try to extend the PTS timescale to realistically enable rescue space to be sought if it is very short notice
I agree
The cost of euthanasia will be expected to be donated to the rescue that accepts the animal into their care and the vets must inform the owner of this.
I agree
You will forward the animals vet history to ourselves, on the understanding that this will be shared with the rescue that accepts the animal into their care or with a rescue seriously considering offering help and which needs more information prior to agreeing. Owners consent will be required for this before sending the history to us.
I agree
Please be aware that as it will be a public post, some negative comments may be made as it is an emotional situation. This is out of our control.
I understand.
We understand that concern for reputation of the vets could be be caused, but rest assured the practice name will not be made public. As a rescue, our own reputation is in jeapordy as it is often assumed by the public that the animals fate is now our responsibility if we have posted the dog publically and a space is not found but we accept this consequence and are still happy to help if we feel it appropriate to do so. You must agree to work with us, as a team, with the sole goal being the interest of the animal at risk of PTS. As stated, we will protect the name of the vet publicly but we cannot do that for ourselves in these cases.
I understand.
First Name
Last Name
Name of animal
Medical issues?
Behavioural issues?
Cost of euthanasia?
Cost of community cremation?
Reason for PTS?
Date and time of euthanasia?
Thank you!
Please send a copy of the clinical history to
Vet referral form
Pts rescue request form